Many think life begins when a baby breathes his first breath of air...but for me it was when I met Jesus at the cross.

Life had no meaning until that point. Sure, I enjoyed having a good time with friends and family. But I never felt loved as I thought others did. I thought having a "Good Time" meant drinking and partying...isn't that what it's suppose to mean? Oh, how the devil wants to deceive us!

There was never peace in all the "Good Times" I had. Never fulfillment, never satifaction. Do you know what there was? Emptiness...nothing more.

Have you ever felt empty? Longing for something else, something different, something to fill the aching in your heart? 

We search for peace and love, and can never really find those needs met until we come to the Cross. You see, it's at the foot of the cross where life begins. And it's at the foot of the Cross where Jesus said "I love you!"  

I love you so very much, that I'm willing to prove it to you...
So He did as none other the Cross, He laid His life down, pouring out His blood for your sins and mine. The Bible says, without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness. (Hebrews 9:22) Jesus paid it all that day on Calvary. His thoughts were not of Himself, but totally of you. His arms were embracing you, His heart was burdened with the lost of this world. And His cries were to God our Father to forgive us...for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34)

The love the Lord showed at Calvary for the lost world He created, proved how very much He loves us. There has been no greater love than this!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for sending Jesus to take my burdens and sins to the cross. To give His life as proof that God so loved the world. Forgive me of my sins and come into my heart and save my soul. Help me to begin a new life with You as my Lord and Savior. Teach me Your ways and help me to follow. For I ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.
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